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Price comparison in countries - main course in the restaurant

Germany 12,00 €
302,15 Kč
Czech Republic 180,00 Kč
Austria 14,00 €
352,51 Kč
Spain 12,00 €
302,15 Kč
France 15,00 €
377,69 Kč
Greece 12,00 €
302,15 Kč
Italy 15,00 €
377,69 Kč
more about prices

Comparison of traffic regulations - speed on the highway

Germany unlimited speed
Czech Republic 130 km/h
Austria 130 km/h
Spain 120 km/h
France 130 km/h
Greece 130 km/h
Italy 130 km/h
more about traffic


Spain - l'Ametlla del Valles › South-East: Can Joanet (masia)
Norway - Tromso › West: Tromsø - panorama from the university
Finland - Kemijarvi: Tie 5 - Suomu - Kuusamoon
Spain - l'Ametlla del Valles › South-East: Can Joanet (masia)
Norway - Tromso › West: Tromsø - panorama from the university
Finland - Kemijarvi: Tie 5 - Suomu - Kuusamoon
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