Sofia - actual time
Lev (лв) 1 Kč = 0,07828 лв
1 лв = 12,77531 Kč
14°C actual temperature
capital city

It is advisable to take out insurance when traveling abroad

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Czech Republic vs Bulgaria

Bulgaria is more than 1x bigger than Czech Republic
Bulgaria has 35 % less inhabitants than Czech Republic
Bulgaria has 46% population compared to Czech Republic

traffic in neighboring countries


urban speed 50 km/h
speed out of the village 80 km/h
speed on expressway 90 km/h
speed on the expressway in the village 90 km/h
speed on motorway 100 km/h
speed on the motorway in the village 100 km/h
motorway toll free


speed on the urban road 50 km/h
speed out of the urban road 90 km/h
speed on expressway 120 km/h
speed on the urban expressway 120 km/h
speed on the motorway 140 km/h
speed on the urban motorway 140 km/h
motorway toll toll


speed on the urban road 50 km/h
speed out of the urban road 80 km/h
speed on expressway 90 km/h
speed on the urban expressway 90 km/h
speed on the motorway 100 km/h
speed on the urban motorway 100 km/h
motorway toll toll


urban speed 50 km/h
speed out of the village 80 km/h
speed on expressway 90 km/h
speed on the urban expressway 90 km/h
speed on the motorway 100 km/h
speed on the urban motorway 100 km/h
motorway toll toll


use of a phone while driving forbidden
use of a handsfree while driving released
use of the on-board camera released
smoking while driving released
eating while driving released
drinking while driving released
daytime lighting compulsory
driving side on the right
right of way from the right


use of seat belts compulsory
use of a child seat compulsory
use of a child seat in the front seat released
use of a helmet - cyclist recommended
use of a helmet - moped compulsory
use of a helmet - motorcycle compulsory
use of a helmet - tricycle compulsory
use of a helmet - quad bike compulsory

mandatory equipment

reflective vest compulsory
reflective vest colors yellow, green
warning triangle compulsory
first aid kit compulsory
fire extinguisher compulsory


alcohol level allowed - experienced driver 0,5‰
alcohol level allowed - beginner driver 0,5‰
alcohol level allowed - professional driver 0,5‰
fine for crossing the speed limit uder 20km/h 50,00 лв (640,60 Kč)
fine for crossing the speed limit over 20km/h 200,00 лв (2 562,39 Kč)
fine for incorrect parking 20,00 лв (256,24 Kč)